
December 25, 2023


Rev. Robert L. Wise, Ph.D. explores the world of divine interventions from an objective point of view. An Archbishop in the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches with a Ph.D., Rev. Wise relates his interviews with persons who experienced the touch of God.


Jesus’ birth is undoubtedly a true miracle, as it defies the natural laws of conception and childbirth. According to the Bible, Jesus was born to the Virgin Mary, who conceived Him through the Holy Spirit. This miraculous event challenges the scientific understanding of human reproduction and emphasizes the divine intervention in Jesus’ birth. The concept of a virgin birth is biologically impossible, making it a supernatural occurrence that highlights Jesus’ divine nature and his exceptional role in salvation.

The miracle of Jesus’ birth becomes even more extraordinary when considering the prophecies foretelling it. The Old Testament predicted the coming of a Messiah born of a virgin in Isaiah 7:14, stating, “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.” This prophecy clearly indicates that Jesus’ birth is not merely a coincidence but the fulfillment of divine plans. The fulfillment of these prophecies adds weight to the claim that Jesus’ birth is a true miracle, as it demonstrates the divine orchestration of events throughout history.

Furthermore, the significance of Jesus’ birth lies in its purpose and impact on humanity. As the Son of God, Jesus was sent to Earth to offer salvation and reconcile humanity with God. His birth marks the beginning of this divine mission and the ultimate sacrifice that would follow, leading to the redemption of mankind. This mission would have been inconceivable without the miracle of Jesus’ birth, as it sets the foundation for his life, teachings, and ultimately, his crucifixion and resurrection.

Jesus’ birth is undeniably a true miracle that defies natural laws and confirms his divine origin. The occurrence of a virgin birth, as foretold in prophetic texts, serves as a testament to the divine intervention and highlights Jesus’ exceptional role in salvation. Without Jesus’ miraculous birth, his mission to offer redemption and the eventual sacrifice for humanity’s sins would not have been possible. The miracle of Jesus’ birth acts as a cornerstone in Christianity, emphasizing the remarkable nature of his life and teachings!

Remember: Miracles never cease!

My latest book has just now been released. You’ll find it fascinating!

The almost unknown account of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s involvement in a number of attempts to assassinate Adolph Hitler remains one of the extraordinary stories of World War II. A towering theologian and patriot, Bonhoeffer did not retreat from joining the fight to stop the Nazis. In these pages you will discover an explosive adventure that remains an ultimate witness to the truth.

          After his capture, his fiancé Maria von Wedemeyer, never gave up attempting to find him and stand with him. In later years, Maria was to become the leading scientist with the Remington Rand Corporation, pioneering the way for the modern computer.
           My interview with Bonhoeffer’s godson, Christop Von Dohnanyi, sheds more light on who Bonhoeffer was and what he accomplished. You will find this thoroughly researched though novelized story of Bonhoeffer’s involvement in WWII to be gripping and compelling.

            The book is available in kindle and paperback on Amazon.

The Conspiracy: Dietrich Bonhoeffer — Stopping Hitler (Robert L. Wise’s Gripping WWII Discoveries)

            You will be touched and moved.       

            Remember: Miracles never cease!

Please watch and subscribe to my new YouTube channel!



Did you discover something miraculous during the past year? I’d be delighted to hear your story. Please write me. Please email me your story at:

Where I post interviews with people sharing their experiences with divine encounters!

Remember to expect the unexpected! And let the miracles begin!

Readers of my MIRACLES NEVER CEASE blog will be fascinated by my latest book:




Blog 143
December 23, 2019

nativity scene table decor
Photo by Jessica Lewis


Often, I hear from people who have experienced miracles or divine interventions. I look forward to receiving these accounts as they deepen our understanding of how these experiences occur. Could you be like that? If so, please share your story with me. Contact me at


For the last three years, I have been writing about miraculous experiences and what the recipients thought, experienced, and now believe. Because these events run counter-current to our secular oriented society, I am sure many readers remain somewhat mystified by such events still happening today. It occurred to me that this is the season to clarify further where it all began.

Miracles? Just take a look at the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 1, starting in verse 18. Keep reading. The account of the birth of Jesus Christ is one long miracle story. The story begins by telling us that a young woman is going to have a baby … through the Holy Spirit!

Sorry guys. We aren’t even involved in how the conception began. God alone is the initiator of the entire event. Several times, the Gospel account goes out of the way to say this is all the work of the Holy Spirit.

Fact One: The Holy Spirit miraculously created a birth.

Wow! And do we ever get stories about angels. In his sleep, an angel came to Joseph in a dream and told him what had occurred. The name Immanuel, which means ‘God with us,’ was given by the angel. We get more angel accounts in Luke’s gospel. An angel appeared to Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist, and told him of John’s coming birth. Luke continues telling us that the angel Gabriel was sent to Nazareth to talk with Mary. We are even given part of their conversation.

Next the angels appeared to shepherds watching their flocks on the night Jesus was born. In fact, “a great company” of the heavenly hosts came with Gabriel.
Fact Two: Angels were everywhere.

Luke further gives us the story of Jesus being taken to Jerusalem for presentation in the Temple as the Law of Moses required. Both Simeon and the prophetess Anna realized that they had now seen the coming of the promised Messiah. A divine intervention had opened their eyes to this miraculous and long expected event. Simeon proclaimed that he had seen “a light for revelation to the Gentiles and glory to your (his) people Israel.”

Fact Three: When the Holy Spirit intervened, he brought a message. Sound familiar?

Sure. We’re seeing in these three facts what has been revealed over and over again in the lives of contemporary people. What happened in the beginning of the Christian story continues in the present. Therefore, this year as you remember the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, keep in mind that what he brought continues to be a gift every day of every year.

You might find my collection of Holy Land experiences to be helpful.
BIBLE LANDS: An illustrated Guide to Scriptural Places
Barbpir books Publishers
